Note about age considerations:
The Saturday League spans a wide range of ages, from ages 3 to 18. All of the players in the Saturday League have a buddy with them during the game. Buddies are typically middle school, high school or adult volunteers. Veteran players who are older than 18 are welcome to stay in the Saturday League or move to the Night League.
The minimum age for the Saturday League is three. For players who are 3 or 4, we ask that their parent (or another relative or friend) serve as their buddy. Players who are 5 and older will be assigned a buddy from the buddy pool, unless their parent would prefer to serve as their buddy.
The Night League is intended for older teens and young adults. They do not have a buddy during the game. It is somewhat more competitive than the Saturday League, but not exceedingly so. The minimum age for the Night League is 16. We recommend that parents with young teens watch a Night League game before they decide on the Saturday League or the Night League.
Registration Tips
- When you specify a shirt size, think bigger rather than smaller. Shirts tend to run small.
- We have a text messaging system for game cancellations. If you wish to receive text messages, make sure we have your correct phone number when you register.
- Questions about Saturday League registration can be directed to
- Questions about Night League registration can be directed to Adam Beatrice at 937-430-4027 or by emailing

Want to get involved?
Become a volunteer or sponsor today!
Or Donate today!

General registration for our 2025 Saturday League is now open. You can use the link below to register online.
2025 Saturday League Registration
Online registration is a two-step process: 1) Register using the link above and, 2) Use the PayPal button further down this page to pay. Select the “Saturday League $45.00” option.
Online registration is strongly recommended. If you prefer to use a hard copy to register, please contact us immediately at and a hard copy registration form will be emailed to you. We urge you to fill it out quickly, scan it, and email it back to us.
This summer, we are going to cap the size of the league at 240 players again. That equates to an average of 15 players per team. If more than 240 players register, we will create a waiting list for those who missed the cut. You will be notified if you are on the waiting list.
Uniform Pick-up Day is scheduled for May 3rd. Opening Day is May 10th and Trophy Day is set for July 26th.
Thank you and let’s play ball!!


Registration for our 2025 Night League season will begin in March.
The 2025 season will begin with Uniform Pick-up on June 5th and end on August 24th. Games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings with some special events on Sundays. We will have 6 teams again this summer.
Stay tuned for more details.
Night League Information
The Night League was created in 2005 out of the traditional Miracle League to accommodate teenagers and adults that are more able-bodied and may have some baseball experience. Games are played Tuesday and Thursday evenings under the lights at the Miracle League Field in Dublin.
Typically, players do not utilize buddies in the Night League. Wooden and aluminum bats are used along with soft-core baseballs as opposed to the plastic bats and balls used in the Traditional League games. The players occupy all the positions in the field; coaches and players do the pitching.
Games usually last an hour-and-a-half with everybody batting and playing the field for three (3) innings. Plays can be made on runners at bases and in the field. The games are filled with fun and lots of sportsmanship.
Some Registration Tips:
- When you specify a shirt size, think bigger rather than smaller. Shirt sizes tend to run small.
- We have created a text messaging system for game cancellations. If you wish to receive text messages, please give us a phone number to contact you.
We are always looking for additional volunteers, and we have several open slots for the upcoming season. If you are interested in becoming a coach, a buddy leader, an announcer or a field duty coordinator, please indicate so as you register.